
The Misguided Sheep Factor

As the newspaper and television articles have surfaced, we are starting to see the wool pulled off some of the flaws in some of the mega ministries. Whether it is for financial misappropriation, divorce, adultery or just misconduct it is starting to become prevalent. Yes, I understand that these people are regular dudes but there has to be a higher level of accountability in their lives as well. You can not preach to me about having a successful marriage and then yours falls apart. Where is the truth in that teaching? Your information or teaching was good enough for me to hear but had no practical application for you own marriage. You teach on faithfully tithing but yet you live a lifestyle that is extremely lavish.

Come on people where does the line stop. Do I believe that pastor will have problems and issues, yes I do. Do I think that they make mistakes, yes I do. But my problem is not in the mistakes. It is in the fact that you did not take the same information you preached and applied into to your life. That signifies or raises a flag that you were out for gain. Some may disagree but there is no other answer as I can see. Why did you tell me that God gave you this inspired message but it has no validity in your own life. That is backwards. In 2 timothy 2 verse 6 Paul writes, " The husbandman that labors must be first partakers of the fruits." Simply put the same way that the farmer must be the first to try his crop when harvested so must you be the first to try every word that you preach or that is preached. If you have a solution to a problem that does not work for you why would you give it to others.

That is what I get out of the situations that I am seeing on the news and different programs. We have host of televangelist getting rocked right now for their walk not lining up with there talk. You have conferences and messages on something that you not perfected in you own life, The funny thing about all this is that the misguided sheep that sit under this pastors/shepherds once brought into the light then try to defend them with nonsense that is not even scriptural. What a waste. There is malicious intent here and some refuse to grab a hold to that fact. Yes, we still need to pray for them but we also need to call a spade a spade. These misguides sheep no matter how wrong their pastors is they still find a way to make it appear that it was the devil or some other device that made them do it. When the word is emphatic and intentional when it says, "that man is drawn away of his own lust and enticed." James 1:14

These are my thoughts


What is Revolutinary Intent?

The Revolutionary Intent is personal, theological reflection of how things are transcending throughout our society. It serves as a two fold outlet for expression and introduction as it relates to the topics presented. It is expressing as it relates, because it will be my thoughts that are laced with the interwoven fabric of the faith that is integrated into everyday walk of life. It is on introducing because it will shed some light on the misguided world of hip hop through the eyes of one of its own.
The reason for the moniker of Revolutionary Intent is based on the need to agents of change without apology. The mindsets is intentionally presented as a example of what is needed to bring about the desired change to any community. With every generation, there are norms that will follow with the time or the subculture that is established. Though this subculture may have it's problems we must assume that it is still prevalent in the lives of those whom are indoctrinated into it.
The challenge is to identify the problems that may exist ,as well as the benefits of having such a group connected with your community. The Revolutionary Intent stands as a guidepost to that macrocosm that mixes faith, hip hop, theology and with an activist mindset. The stance is to be as modern day Apostle Paul as he chopped it up with the brothers at Mars Hill.